

TangoDJ Jose David Reus

He started as a Dj  when he was 18 years old with vinyl records, all kinds of music in trendy venues, managing his own dance venue in 1989, Disco-Pub Latino.

More than 20 years compiling the best tracks of tangos, waltzes and milongas, with a careful and elaborate musical selection, which does not leave you indifferent. She has been creating music for milongas, meetings and tango festivals for more than 15 years, mainly in Spain.

In 2008 he opened his own milonga in Benidorm, where he is the resident Dj of "Milonga La Pasional", a very successful milonga, to this day.

His accumulated experience as a Dancer, Milonguero, Event Organizer and DJ, leads him to work without a Play List, selecting the live tandas, in order to maintain the energy and creativity that the dancers need at each moment of the milonga.

Variety, energy, emotion and fun are guaranteed in his session.

TangoDJ Francisco Serrano

Su selección musical preferentemente es de los años dorados del Tango, alternando grandes orquestas, con una exquisita selección musical.

Francisco es como un soplo de aire fresco que entra de lleno en el panorama de los musicalizadores, es un valor seguro, con el cual todo el mundo va a disfrutar y no podrás parar de bailar.

Organizador de la Milonga Recuerdo, en Murcia, desde el 2012, y del Encuentro Internacional Murcia Tango.

Musicalizador de milongas, encuentros y festivales, por toda la geografía española.

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